Updated February 26, 2008. Deborah and I would like to take this time to thank everyone who has so generously donated so far to our efforts to have Deb receive treatment at the Brucker Biofeedback Institute in Miami, FL. We cannot express enough our heart felt gratitude for the support you all have shown and can only pray that we will make the most of it and deliver an unforgettable tale of triumph before this grand journey is finished. Below is the list of donors as of the date of this posting. Special thanks go out to Mr. Joe Schroeder for lending his considerable voice and support to our cause. May the Peace and Blessings of God be with you all.
Sharon Battle
Catherine Conwell
Terrance Conwell
SourceCon Corporation
Afri Creations
Cyndi Dawson
JoAnn Donahue
Good Harmony Enterprises
Barbie Figueroa
Lakesha Ford
Debora Gabinet
Pearl Gaines
Chris Galloway
Angel Garcia
Lee Green
Hussein Hill
Diane Hochman
Dave Ireland
Karl Johnson
Derrick Jones
Victor Kalman
Joe Knaack
Ilias Kone
Angela Lester
Mike Litman
Gaye Lowenstein
Gung Ho Marketing
Way Out Marketing
PJM Internet Marketing
Doug Middleton
Debra Morrison
Adrian Pope
Ed Pratt
Counter Racism
Donald Robinson, eSkills Inc.
Joe Schroeder
Tony Seawright
Dr.Phil Sebastian
Dr. Mike Shapiro
Jimmy Smith
Jill St. James
Nick Talladino
Enterprise Technologies
Vera Waters
Brian Winfield
We would also like the thank the following talk shows and hosts for interviewing Deborah:
Tommy Webb - webbradio.com
Hussein Hill - Oral Buffet, NBBTA.org/channel2.htm
Louie Jones - WCFJ 1470 AM, Chicago
Lovely Brown - Sistah Talk, blogtalkradio.com
Alonzo Brown - AASAP Radio, blogtalkradio.com
El & Syl - The El & Syl Variety Show, blogtalkradio.com
Global Influence, blogtalkradio.com
Carla Barnes - Inspire "You" Series, blogtalkradio.com
An Hour to Empower, blogtalkradio.com
Gregory & Brian - I Believe, blogtalkradio.com
Sound Off Now, blogtalkradio.com
Pop Wiz - blogtalkradio.com