"Eat your vegetables!" "Eat more fruit!" "You should have at least 5 - 8 services of fruits and vegetables a day." I have heard such things from Deborah (and my mom before her) for years now. She has always liked her veggies, even eating nothing but veggie meals such as sauteed spinach with mushrooms and onions served over rice or couscous. But I have to admit that my son and I have been a bad influence on Deb. We would plop down a sack full of Burger King burgers, hand Deb her obligatory salad and begin to chow down. Deb would inevitable sneak a peak at our fat, juicy burgers and ask for a bite. Extra crispy fried chicken was an extreme temptation for her. However, her routine has changed over the last month or so, and it is now Deb that is doing the influencing in regards to diet.
She has been about 99% vegan for about the last month (she still accepts a fork full of tuna salad occasionally.) And she has been increasing going raw vegan. One huge factor is keeping fresh fruit and vegetables in the house so that we can juice them for breakfast and sometimes after dinner. While I am nowhere close to being vegan (sorry PETA), I have eaten more vegetables and fruit while assisting Deb with her diet than I have in years and I can feel the difference. And somehow, getting five servings of plant life in an eight ounce glass works out better for me than plate fulls of the old green leafy.
I highly recommend to anyone to get there hands on a juicer to put some pep back into their diet. Twenty minutes, including veggie prep and clean up and we are juicing fresh, high quality juice. Our favorite combination right now is carrot-apple-ginger, but the list includes all kinds of combinations of celery, spinach, broccoli, radishes, and tomatoes.
Deb is also always finding raw veggie recipes, some of which are quite tasty. My favorite is a date paste that consists of blending a few dates, some raw cashews and water until smooth and serving over fresh fruit (strawberries, blueberries or mango, to name a few).
We have also recently had a raw cucumber "soup" (it was more like puree), that was made of celery, cucumber, avocado and olive oil.
Speaking of avocado, homemade guacamole is fantastic. Just blend a couple of avocados with tomato, onion and garlic. It is delicious and you save the $7/lb. that it cost in the store.
The funny part is getting my 13 year-old son to do his part and drinking the juice (not the Koolaid!) You would think that we were asking him to chug a beer the way he turns up his nose and makes faces at it. But even he is coming around.
Deb's digestion has been helped tremendously by her diet, relieving a lot of the aches and pains that sometimes accompanied meals full of saturated fats and cholesterol.
There is a movie coming out called "Food Inc" about the industrialization, profiteering, contamination and cruelty in America's food industry that I think will make a lot of people rethink their food choices. Maybe after I watch it, I'll go vegan myself. Until then, I have the perfect voice of food conscience right here at home.