Monday, February 26, 2007

Doing Voice Overs

My apologies for taking so long to get back here. With the getting set up in the new home and dealing with the severe cold spell in NE Ohio, I kind of got away from my blogs. My wife is up to all kinds of stuff as usual, with several things to keep both of us busy. Her newest focus is doing voice over work for radio and TV advertising, voice messaging recordings, books on tape and website introductions. She figures she has always loved to talk, so she might as well make a living doing it. She is putting a lot of energy into getting things off the ground. We have our computer set up with a professional microphone and recording/editing software so that she can do demos. So far, she's doing voice work for a couple of independent filmmakers and a book of poetry she is recording. I figured out how to embed one of her demo clips in the blog, so you can see for yourself how professional and smooth my baby sounds.

On the healing front, it is amazing how God sends people into your life when you ask Him sincerely for guidance. We had an old chair that we wanted to get out of the garage, so my wife put it on Craig's List (a local trading website) for free to whoever would come and get it. The first person to respond was a young lady named Lisa who recently moved her from Lithuania. She needed furniture for her home/office. She just happened to be a massage therapist and when she saw my wife in her wheelchair, she offered to "pay" for the chair by offering her a therapy session. She has been back several times at no charge because, she says, she likes being able to help someone who is so positive and upbeat about their situation.

1 comment:

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